Sages 60+

Dear Friends~

If you have sought out this page, then you must be interested in becoming a Cypress Church SAGE! Welcome! Job 12:12 says, “Wisdom belongs to the aged, and with length of days comes understanding.” There it is- right in the Holy Book! You have wisdom and you have understanding. And now you have a place to bring it!!

This is Cypress Church’s 60ish+ ministry, and WE ARE EXCITED at the idea of experiencing each other’s God-given gifts as they play out in meeting others, deepening relationships, and fulfilling 1Peter 4:10.

“As each of you has received a spiritual gift, a gracious divine talent, employ it WITH ONE ANOTHER as good stewards of God’s multi- faceted grace….and whether with words or deeds, God will be glorified.”

Sage's Monthly Get-Togethers

We will be meeting monthly throughout the year in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck style lunch! If you would like to join us, please email Beth Mazerik at

Meet our Leaders

If you have any questions about the ministry or want to sign up to get on our email list, please reach out to us!

Beth and Jim Mazerik