Cypress Men's Ministry
Cypress Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry is dedicated to the spiritual growth of the men at Cypress Church.
As we seek to know Christ more and to be conformed to His likeness by God’s Holy Spirit,
we gather together to study His word, to participate in fellowship and to be a light for Jesus Christ.

Connect With Us


Contact us today for prayer, to join our Men's Ministry Team or for more information on how to connect with other men at Cypress.

Pray With Us


Your skills and gifts are valued and needed at Cypress and in our community.
View our 40 Ways to Serve.

40 Ways to Serve

Men's BBQ

Join our Men’s Ministry for a Men’s BBQ on Tuesday, October 1st in the gym at 6:30pm!

Men's Retreat

Mount Hermon | October 11-13

Mount Hermon’s Men’s Retreat is a time where you can witness the peace and quiet of God’s creation, experience the refreshment of a weekend away from the busyness of life, be challenged by powerful teaching, and connect with other men walking similar journeys.

Men's Ministry Leader

If you have questions or would like more information about Cypress' Men's Ministry, please contact Ron Fergason!

Ron Fergason
